Painting Multiple Rooms Tips - Deplok Painting, MetroWest MA

Painting Multiple Rooms Tips

Painting multiple rooms in your home is a fun and exciting time, but it can definitely cause a few headaches. While, in the end, it will make your space feel more like home and reflect your personal style, during the process it can be frustrating to have a messy home. If you are about to endure this project, don’t worry!

Prioritize Your Rooms to Tackle Painting Multiple Rooms More Effectively

Deplok Painting is here to help make the process a little easier by prioritizing which rooms should be painted first.

Deplok Painting has curated a list so you can paint your home in the most effective order:

Bedroom and bathroom

Painting these two rooms first will get them out of the way and allow you to feel at home even if the rest of the house is messy. You will also be able to shut off your room from the paint smells.

The kitchen

It is best to paint the kitchen as one of the first few rooms so your food doesn’t go bad. If you are painting your whole house and don’t have access to the kitchen, you are more likely to eat out and your fresh produce could go bad.

Living/game room

This is likely one of the largest rooms in your home, so it might take longer; however, once it is finished, you will be able to move your furniture back and enjoy your freshly painted room.

Laundry room/mud room

Paint these rooms last so your clothes don’t smell like paint. Remember to wash your clothes before you start this painting project and don’t do laundry during the process.

Fun Fact

To reduce paint smells, open a window if the weather permits, opt for low or no VOC paint options, and light a candle after painting.

These tips can help your painting project go more smoothly, whether you are doing it yourself or leaving it to the professionals.

At Deplok Painting, customer service is our number one priority, so we will work with you to make sure we are tackling your painting project in the most convenient and efficient way.

Call (508) 969-1300 or Contact Us to schedule an estimate today!

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